FLA by Lalit Vashishtha

Regular Expressions 1

DFA for union, intersection, difference and complimentation of two dfas

Formal definition of DFA

Formal Languages & Automata Theory

Finite Automata to Regular Expression 3

DFA for the strings ending with b and of the form a^n b

DFA for length of string should be divisible by 3 but length should not be 6

Finite Automata to Regular Expression conversion 1

DFA for strings starting and ending with same symbol, with different symbols, with a and b

Formal definition of NFA with examples

DFA for complementing the DFA

DFA for strings with exactly 1a, atleast 1a, no more than 3a's, at least 1a and exactly 2b's

Mid Sem Exam Solution Q5

Lembda NFA to NFA Conversion

Regular Expression to DFA

Non Deterministic Push Down Automata

DFA for the strings having legth divisible by 2 and 3 and their cases

NFA for a^nb^n where n lies in [0,5] and n is an integer

DFA for Concatenation of two Languages

DFA for the strings having no of a's 2, greater than or equal to 2, less than or equal to 2, , less

NFA to DFA conversion 2

Push Down Automata for a context free language2

NFA to DFA Conversion 9

DFA for a^mb^n where m+n is odd